14 July 2009

Calming The Mind

A calming practice bringing increased mental clarity, increased energy levels and greater capacity for contentment.

Calming the mind is naturally associated with the practice of yoga. It describes a state of inner stillness, a feeling of balance and peace that, with regular practice, will radiate from one's daily routine into the everyday world of our busy lives. It is not the purpose of this humble album to explore meditation or subject in this area in any depth, but the following simple practice is one you might like to try while your body is feeling relaxed and alert at the end of the posture sequence. Or it may be practiced on its own.

Make sure your surroundings are comfortable and quiet. Allow 5 to 10 minutes at first. Gradually increase the time to 20 minutes or more, as and when you feel able.

Sit comfortably with a straight back and with legs crossed. Rest the hand slightly on the knees or the thighs. Sitting on a firm pillow or folded blanket can help you to keep your spine straight.

Close your eyes and gently bring your attention inward, away from the external world. Soften the face. Tuck your chin in. Relax your neck and shoulder muscles. Breathe gently and evenly.

Bring your awareness to any thoughts that come into your mind. See if you can simply observe them, letting come, and letting them go, without following them. It's as if your mind is a beautiful, clear blue sky, and your thoughts are small white clouds passing across it. Be patient with yourself. Your mind is used to getting its own way; some days your thoughts may be many and your mind might seem like an overcast sky. By quietly observing the thoughts, they will slow down and become fewer. Be aware of your thoughts, how does the thought affect you mentally, emotionally, physical. Enjoy the spaces between the thoughts. Allow a sense of peace and well-being to expand as your mind clears and becomes quiet.

A word on diet:
Just as daily practice of the physical postures promotes health and wellbeing, a sensible diet enables the body to obtain maximum benefit from the food you eat. Your body needs food to be able to repair itself, and fuel for energy. Simple, natural and wholesome foods that are easily digested will enhance your journey toward radiant physical health.

A healthy diet is one which is enjoyable and nutritious. The primary reason for eating food is to nourish the body and produce life energy. It is abundant in whole "natural" and unprocessed foods. It is especially high in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, seed and nuts.

Rather than making a sudden decision to change your eating habits, which might not be easy to maintain, simply listen more closely to your body's need, and alter your diet gradually when you feel ready. A gentle approach to change is often more practical than a hasty one.

Consult a health practitioner for guidance as to the right food requirements for your particular metabolism.

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